Severn Cullis Suzuki
If you replace the "S" with "R" and add some letters to Severn, you can get the word Reverend, and that's exactly how I felt about Ms. Severn Cullis Suzuki. I have never meet someone in my life who was so blunt yet inspiring, young yet sapient. Ms. Suzuki, at age 12 silenced a room of adults at the UN Conference in Rio, opening their eyes to the truth of their actions (See speech here: . Yesterday, she did the same with us. Except for us, she had a slightly different message. We are youth, so we have the power to make a change. Adults are most vulernable to us, their children, which is why we have the greatest chance in creating change. With an increasing amount of corrupt government (corrupt in the fact that corporations not people's voices are being heard - aka recent background check bill), the voice of the youth need to be heard. She recommended government protests with and petitions. She worked with a youth-driven group named Wecanadia to come up with government proposals for change. Here are their recommendations...
1) "Measuring what matters"
the GDP is the measurement used for global rankings, yet it doesn't measure citizen's happiness- only how much money the government is making. For example, when a person gets in a car accident, they need an ambulance, hospital assistance, ect., so the countires GDP increases, but are the people better- NO!
2) Get Prices Right
There needs to be a price on carbon!
3) Fair Trade Certified ProductsThe government would add this into their economic plans to buy from workers treated fairly!
Yet, even though these solutions seem easy enough, nowadays, these solutions are almost impossible. Everyday countries are moving away from mandatory environmental regulations to "suggestions." Basically, we are headed in the wrong direction, and in order for our planet to survive, we need to change our ways NOW.
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